Education - Bottle Monster competition

The revival society has been traveling to local schools to educate kids on sustainable design. We have only been doing this for 2 and half weeks and have already worked with over 14 different classes with kids ranging from pre-school to 8th grade. For the younger ages we include them in the two dimensional design process of the bottle monster. They sketch out ideas and then our team hand picks the designs that would best suite the functionality of a trash can.
Another Adventure Daycare

At first we were only driven to collect materials and educate but this Bottle Monster movement has become more powerful then we could have ever imagined. Since humanity comes with these superficial divides we quickly realized the power of a common issue. Every culture produces waste and majority of individuals do actually care for the health of their planet but feel lost to do so. These monsters have allowed us to build on a community driven for change.
Therefore we want to express a sincere thank you to every school that has allowed us to educate their children. It is important you know that we absolutely cannot do this without you <3
Tybee Island Maritime Acedemy

It is shockingly difficult to get companies to give us their left over cardboard. They always tend to ask for something in return but we have been lucky enough to develop some sponsors for materials in order to do bottle monster education. Thank you Service Brewery in downtown Savannah for supplying boxes for the kids to work with, we are truly grateful.