Education - Derenee Middle School
This has become the highlight of our journey this far. The Art teacher, Lauren Scott, at Derenne Middle School located in Savannah, GA fought for the opportunity to allow her students to build their own bottle monster designs. Normally we had kids design the monsters and our team would select a hand full of designs for us to then make. But we wanted to expand our mission and growth so we were determined to work with Derenee to expand the children's mind with community service on top of building their own design from nothing more then reclaimed materials.
We worked with around 100 students ranging from 6th-8th grade. When we first presented the project to these kids they were less then amused, it was absolutely one of the toughest crowds. But after one week of working with the classes from 7am - 2pm they were surpassing my wildest expectations.
These kids are brilliant, they picked up on the project quicker then anticipated with truly innovative ideas. While although they are still in the process of finishing, they have already made an impact in their own school. Derenne is the proof of the effects of an in-house upcycling system. The janitors, teachers, and students began to bring their unused materials to the art room in order to complete their designs.
After the students design are completed they have the opportunity to pass them out to their local community.
After the students design are completed they have the opportunity to pass them out to their local community. But in order to keep their momentum going after this project is finished we teamed up with Savannah's Sustainability Coalition to provide these kids with the opportunity to sell products at Earth Day 2018. They are in need of art supplies so SSC has donated T-shirts for the kids to revamp and sell to raise money for their classroom