Installation - Water Bottle Bio-dome
We have collected over 7,000 bottles with our upcycled bottle monsters for the Earth Day installation that is on April 21st located in Forsyth Park in downtown Savannah, GA. We are now in the process of cleaning and cutting the plastic bottles. Jeromy Ross is constructing the foundation by welding together a metal frame that is inspired by geodesic domes orginally designed by Buckminster Fuller. Our sculpture will have two entry ways and be covered in fringed plastic bottles.
What is special about this sculpture in not just the outcome but the unifying process in its making. We have had the chance to team up with Oatland Island Wildlife Center and they have been gracious enough to give us space for the CNU event construction as well as assist us in cutting and collecting bottles for our Earth Day installation. We truly could not have accomplished these tasks without their help.
As part of our objective to determine the whole life cycle of our designs, the Earth Day sculpture will be transported to A-town Get Down, utilized in the CNU conference, and then permanently installed at Oatland Island Wildlife Center to be used as a greenhouse.