Currently Only Serving the Asheville, NC area

But please contact us if you are interested. There is always a possibility for growth

Looking for Custom Artwork or Installation for your business?

  • Contact us and share a little about your space (photos of space are recommended)

  • We then schedule an in person meeting at the selected space to clarify choices of art and sizing

  • The artist either creates custom art for the space, or can pull it from their inventory.

  • If art does not sell, it is hung for 3 months then rotated with another work (Unless discussed otherwise).

  • If it does sell, all three parties get a percentage of the profit.

Pricing Breakdown

  • Artist/Gallery : 75%

  • The Revival Society : 20%

  • Commercial Space : 5%

How do people purchase the artwork?

  • Each art piece will have a custom QR code that links them to our website where people can purchase the art.


  • Commercial Space makes profit off their wall space

  • Commercial space gets custom art that fits their space

  • Rotating art draws in more customers with exciting new art and creates more exposure for artists

  • Both business and artist get exposure on our website and newsletter

  • No financial loss to any party

What is a art installation?

  • Art that is more interactive or 3D.

  • Examples : Giant Flowers, A suspended installation of handmade birds flying over customers, Tiny little handmade villages that light up store front windows.

  • Basically, you dream it, we find the artist to build it.

 Examples of Art Installations