Currently Only Serving the Asheville, NC area
But please contact us if you are interested. There is always a possibility for growth
Looking for Custom Artwork or Installation for your business?
Contact us and share a little about your space (photos of space are recommended)
We then schedule an in person meeting at the selected space to clarify choices of art and sizing
The artist either creates custom art for the space, or can pull it from their inventory.
If art does not sell, it is hung for 3 months then rotated with another work (Unless discussed otherwise).
If it does sell, all three parties get a percentage of the profit.
Pricing Breakdown
Artist/Gallery : 75%
The Revival Society : 20%
Commercial Space : 5%
How do people purchase the artwork?
Each art piece will have a custom QR code that links them to our website where people can purchase the art.
Commercial Space makes profit off their wall space
Commercial space gets custom art that fits their space
Rotating art draws in more customers with exciting new art and creates more exposure for artists
Both business and artist get exposure on our website and newsletter
No financial loss to any party
What is a art installation?
Art that is more interactive or 3D.
Examples : Giant Flowers, A suspended installation of handmade birds flying over customers, Tiny little handmade villages that light up store front windows.
Basically, you dream it, we find the artist to build it.